Are German Companies Missing Out on the AI Revolution?

Eco-Verband: 33 percent of German companies neither use AI nor have plans to implement AI.
Another quarter of corporate decision-makers are still in the evaluation phase when it comes to AI. In contrast, only 8 percent of companies have a comprehensive AI strategy. Only three percent of companies have a comprehensive AI deployment or their own AI solution in place. These are the results of a representative survey of 543 corporate decision-makers conducted by YouGov on behalf of eco – Association of the Internet Industry.
Upswing potential through AI is being missed
“Services and applications based on AI hold great potential for the economy and the common good. However, we must now seize these opportunities offered by technological progress in a very practical way,” says eco CEO Oliver Süme. Artificial intelligence enables a significant increase in efficiency in numerous sectors along the entire value chain. According to the eco Industry Monitor forecast, AI-supported work could increase productivity in Germany by 0.8-1.4% per year.
“From automation in Industry 4.0 and the use of generative AI in internal knowledge management to AI-based driver assistance systems – AI applications lower costs, reduce error rates and increase productivity. This is also very clearly demonstrated by the practical use cases from the eco Association’s AI Future Tech project in cooperation with Microsoft Germany. These efficiency gains promote economic growth and relieve skilled workers of repetitive, monotonous tasks,” says Süme.
AI strengthens innovative power and increases productivity
Noticeable increases in productivity (28%), cost savings (27%) and a more efficient use of resources (28%) are also the greatest benefits of using AI for the corporate decision-makers surveyed. 23% expect artificial intelligence to boost their innovative strength. 14% say that AI will improve their competitiveness.
“In order to leverage this potential and the innovative power of AI for the entire national economy, from corporations to SMEs and small businesses, we need legal certainty and a uniform regulatory framework across Europe, as well as an efficient ecosystem of digital infrastructures and targeted training and information initiatives that spread knowledge about the possibilities and potential of AI.
Business, science and politics must work together to make AI a basic technology in all industries and economic sectors if Germany is to remain competitive as a digital location,” Süme continued.
AI Future Tech project shows AI in practice
The effects on productivity and efficiency that companies are already achieving with AI-based solutions are demonstrated by the eco Association together with Microsoft Germany in the AI Future Tech project. Using practical AI implementations, for example at Bosch, Otto Group and Boehringer Ingelheim, the AI Future Tech project illustrates how artificial intelligence is being used in various industries and sectors to increase efficiency, reduce costs and develop innovative solutions.