Kaspersky Opens Twelfth Transparency Center

Located in Istanbul, it allows review of product source code, software updates and threat detection rules.

Kaspersky is expanding its network of Transparency Centres with the opening of new facilities. The latest opening has taken place in Istanbul, where the security specialist has decided to open the twelfth centre linked to GTI (Global Transparency Initiative).

The goal is to enable Kaspersky’s customers, partners and regulators to review the source code of all Kaspersky products, software updates and threat detection rules.

In addition, the centre provides the option to examine the results of independent audits and to access the list of software materials used.

Alongside this launch comes a partnership between Kaspersky and Boğaziçi University to launch a Transparency Lab to train students in evaluation techniques.

“As the next step in the development of our long-standing cooperation, we opened a Transparency Center in Istanbul and sealed our partnership with the city’s Boğaziçi University, with both initiatives aimed at further boosting the country’s cyber resilience,” comments Kaspersky founder and CEO Eugene Kaspersky.

“As Turkey pursues its digitisation and serves as a driving force for this trend across the META region (Middle East, Turkey and Africa)”, “we are honoured to enhance our expertise and knowledge, and sharing with local organisations to ensure that their digital journey is as seamless as possible,” he says.

Kaspersky’s GTI initiative dates back to 2018, when it opened its first Transparency Centre in Zurich to enable partners and governments to obtain relevant information about its developments, taking advantage of a secure location and Swiss privacy regulations.

Less than a year later, it expanded this initiative to Spain with the opening of another Transparency Centre, this time in Madrid, intending to maintain the trust of its customers.

“Trust and transparency will become increasingly important. We are proud to be a pioneer in this process and to open our second transparency centre in Europe,” said Anton Shingarev, Vice President of Public Affairs at the time.

“Cybersecurity has no borders,” he said, “which is why attempts to erect national borders in cyberspace are counterproductive and must stop immediately. We need to re-establish trust in the relationships between businesses, governments and citizens,” which is the ultimate goal of these centres that provide access to technical documentation and bring engineering and data processing practices closer together.

“Businesses are concerned about sensitive aspects of data management processes, from how data is stored and processed, to what the company does to keep it secure,” Shingarev stated.

“In the current geopolitical context, where countries have developed widely varying legislation on data processing, some of our partners and customers need to have as much information as possible to make the best choice of cybersecurity products and services,” he concluded.

In addition to Zurich, Madrid and Istanbul, Kaspersky’s current Transparency Centres are located in Utretch, Rome, Riyadh, Kigali, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Woburn and São Paulo.