MINEO, a New Platform for Data Analysis

One of the platform’s key features is its integration of advanced observability techniques.

MINEO is a new platform designed to revolutionise the world of data, offering an accessible and easy-to-use solution for analysts and data scientists looking to collaborate, share and develop data-driven projects and applications.

MINEO CEO Diego García Morate explains. One of the most outstanding features of this platform is its integration of advanced observability techniques, which facilitate the exploration, analysis, and measurement of the quality of complex data using AI. This functionality allows users of the platform to work with large amounts of complex data efficiently and effectively, which in turn increases the quality of the results obtained.

Educational and research institutions, such as the Complutense University of Madrid, the University of Alicante, and MIOTI Tech & Business School, have already adopted the platform to train the next generation of engineers and data scientists. With MINEO, students can start programming and collaborating to solve real problems using data in a controlled and easy-to-use web environment.

In addition to its impact on education, MINEO also offers a scalable solution for businesses and organisations looking to analyse and manage large amounts of data. The platform allows users to develop, share and deploy data-driven projects and applications easily and efficiently, increasing productivity and improving results.