Mobile Security Index: Cyber Risk Increases Due to Hybrid, Mobile Working

Mobile Security Index: Cyber risk increases due to hybrid, mobile working

Three quarters of respondents believe recent changes in working practices have had a negative impact on their company’s cyber security.

Hybrid working makes businesses more vulnerable to cyberattacks. The latest Verizon Mobile Security Index (MSI) 2022 shows that in 2021, there was a steady increase in the number of attacks involving a mobile or IoT device that resulted in a data or system outage. The clear majority of companies have responded by budgeting for mobile security.

Security teams continue to face a difficult task as the number of devices and remote workers continues to grow. However, the results suggest that the risks are not yet fully recognised. For example, 85 per cent of respondents say that the use of WLAN and mobile networks/hotspots at home is allowed or that there are no precise guidelines. More than two-thirds even allow the use of public WLAN.

The most important results of the MSI by sector


Nearly nine in ten businesses (88%) are concerned that a mobile device security breach could have a lasting impact on their brand or customer loyalty. However, 70 per cent said increased use of mobile phones is critical to customers, while 41 per cent said it is a major security challenge.

Financial services
93 per cent of executives believe cybercriminals view their sector as a more lucrative target than other industries.

87 per cent of healthcare organisations are concerned that the highly confidential nature of patient data makes them a target for cybercriminals. 85 per cent say they are concerned that a security breach could compromise patient care. Conversely, three out of four organisations believe that the adoption of telemedicine offers healthcare providers a great opportunity to improve patient care.

Manufacturing, construction and transportation
Four out of five companies believe that a mobile security breach could disrupt their entire supply chain, with serious financial consequences. However, just as many businesses believe that the adoption of mobile services by employees on the shop floor is critical to increasing productivity.

Public sector and education
Eighty-seven per cent said that employee expectations around mobile/flexible working are forcing them to re-evaluate the way they work. A further 72 per cent of respondents agreed that increased use of mobile services by public sector employees is essential to accelerating the digital transformation of public services.