Three Recommendations from Qualys to Improve Cloud Security

Cloud security should not be seen as a barrier but as an opportunity to leverage the benefits and capabilities of the cloud environment.

As more and more companies migrate their operations and data to cloud environments, it becomes imperative to implement effective measures to protect sensitive information and reduce the complexity of this digital infrastructure. There are three key steps that can help improve cloud security and minimise the associated risks, according to Qualys experts.

Comprehensive strategy

The first step is to implement a comprehensive cloud security strategy. This involves assessing and understanding the risks specific to the Cloud, identifying critical assets and developing a security approach tailored to the organisation’s needs. It is essential to establish robust security policies and controls, as well as implement security tools and solutions to effectively monitor and protect data in the Cloud.

Access control

Robust identity and access management is also essential. The Cloud provides a highly dynamic and scalable environment, which means that appropriate mechanisms must be put in place to authenticate and authorise users. Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) can add an additional layer of security by requiring more than one form of identity verification. It is also important to manage access privileges appropriately, ensuring that users only have the necessary permissions to carry out their tasks, and revoking access when it is no longer required.


The third step is to maintain a proactive posture in the face of threats. Cloud security is not just about setting security measures in place and forgetting about them. You need to be aware of the latest threats and vulnerabilities, as well as best practices in cloud security, and constantly update your defences accordingly. Implementing a continuous monitoring and incident response system allows you to quickly detect and mitigate any suspicious activity or unauthorised intrusion in the Cloud.

In addition to these three fundamental steps, it is important to consider other key aspects of improving security in the Cloud. These include encrypting data in transit and at rest, establishing data retention and backup policies, as well as conducting regular penetration tests and security assessments.

Cloud security is a constant and evolving challenge, but by following these steps and taking a holistic approach, organisations can strengthen their security posture and reduce the complexity associated with the Cloud. In doing so they will be in a better position to protect their critical data and systems, providing peace of mind for both themselves and their customers. Ultimately Cloud security should not be seen as a barrier, but as an opportunity to take full advantage of the benefits and capabilities that the Cloud environment can offer, securely and reliably.