L’azienda acquisita è specializzata in software per spingere workload di inferenza di IA generativa.

L’azienda acquisita è specializzata in software per spingere workload di inferenza di IA generativa.
Red Hat Summit 2024 provided the stage for the unveiling of the company's latest innovations and collaborations.
The key to a successful strategy lies in considering both the business value and security of the entire edge ecosystem.
Red Hat is blowing out 30 candles on its birthday cake this year. The company is looking to the future with optimism, although it is aware of the speed of change. Cybersecurity and advances linked to AI will be priorities in a roadmap ...
Se tutto dovesse andare come pianificato, le emissioni dovrebbero ridursi del 65% entro il 2025 rispetto ai livelli del 2019.
During the Red Hat Summit Connect, held this week in Madrid, the open source company shows how to innovate in an increasingly hybrid ICT world.
The software manufacturer and main promoter of open source brings to Spain the innovations shown at the Red Hat Summit congress. We review them in this article.