The relevance of artificial intelligence (AI) is growing rapidly. This transformative technology impacts work processes, politics, and global affairs, offering both opportunities and challenges. Increasingly, companies are exploring th ...
Companies Underestimate the Complexity of Digitalisation
Study: Digital transformation projects are usually more complex and time-consuming than expected.
Barrierefreier Grenzübertritt
Zoll-Digitalisierung: Schweiz und Österreich vereinbaren gemeinsamen Grundzollprozess. LKWs sollen an den Grenzen nicht mehr stoppen müssen.
Survey: How Business Will Invest in Digital Technology by 2025
Top 3 goals for increased investment: Process automation, artificial intelligence and cloud platforms.
Hödlmayr Optimises Internal Vehicle Logistics Processes
Continuous digitalisation of internal logistics processes for around 500,000 vehicles per year.
60 Prozent vertrauen der Cloud nicht
Accenture hat 2.000 Österreicher:innen zu ihrer IT-Nutzung befragt. Die Umfrage zeigt erhebliche Vorbehalte gegenüber innovativen Technologien.
Digital Industry Continues To Grow Despite Threat of Recession
Internet Industry Monitor by eco: Inflation exerts temporary price pressure on the internet industry.
SMEs Are Looking For Digital Trade Fair Concepts
Two out of three businesspeople complain about a decline in business contacts as a result of the pandemic.