From the perspective of the security service provider Kaspersky, damage costs and investments in cybersecurity are therefore almost on par.

From the perspective of the security service provider Kaspersky, damage costs and investments in cybersecurity are therefore almost on par.
Anlage dient als US-Zentrale für die Entwicklung und Herstellung von KI-fähiger Technologie. Investment beträgt 30 Millionen US-Dollar
Der steirische Leiterplattenhersteller investiert etwas mehr als eine Milliarde Euro. Hauptkunde ist der Chiphersteller AMD.
Call centre operators are investing in AI and chatbots to reduce dependence on live agents.
Stock market expert Jens Rabe looks at the risks and opportunities of investing in AI shares.
IDC forecasts $805.7 billion by 2023. The $1 trillion mark will be exceeded by 2026.
Investment in chip research will benefit the entire value chain, from semiconductor manufacturers to application and end-system developers.
Clients in 19 markets are set to benefit from the three-year investment.
How executives can ditch the "shopaholic" mentality and realize the full potential of their digital investments, explains Stojan B. Zrnić of WalkMe.
Scams target potential investors in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, Belgium, Portugal as well as other countries in Europe.