According to a recent survey, 12% of German farms now operate a digital farm store, up from 7% in 2022.
Irreführende Werbung bei „Drei“
Der OGH kommt zu dem Urteil, dass der Carrier „Hutchison Drei" mit überhöhten Angaben zu seinen Datenübertragungsraten geworben habe.
ChatGPT: More Bookings, More Satisfied Guests?
ChatGPT is supposed to support hotels in marketing, says guest author Steve Heinecke from Performance Hotel, but still warns against its use for guest communication.
Humans versus AI: Who Writes More Convincing Advertising Copy?
Can ChatGPT and the like really compete with the creativity and emotionality of humans, asks guest author and copywriter Julius Kemnitzer.
7 strategie di marketing per il metaverso
Il valore di mercato attualmente stimato per il metaverso è di 500 miliardi di dollari.
Personalisiertes Marketing bei der Migros Bank mit BSI
Die Die Migros Bank nutzt CRM-Lösung von BSI, um Marketing und Vertrieb zusammenzubringen.
Amount of Available Marketing Data Overwhelms CMOs
Study by Adverity examines the biggest challenges in data-driven marketing.
Nuovo slittamento: Google Chrome ritarda l’eliminazione dei cookie al 2024
Il precedente piano puntava a sbarazzarsi definitivamente dei cookie di terzi nel 2023.
Lead Generation: Content As A Success Factor Is The Biggest Hurdle For the IT Sector
It is impossible to imagine lead generation without relevant content. However, companies in the DACH region see a need to catch up.
Social Media For Companies
Bitkom publishes new social media guide: Helpful tips on how companies can successfully use social media for themselves.
Wien: Adverity jetzt auch auf dem Google Marketplace vertreten
Plattform ist im Self Service bedienbar und bietet unter anderem den Zugang zu einer speziellen Live-Chat-Funktion für den Einführungsprozess.
TikTok, al banco di prova il pulsante “Non mi piace”
Il social network di mini-video vuole promuovere interazioni reali tra la sua community e la pubblicazione di contenti interessanti.
And Goodbye!
Half of all visitors leave a web or mobile website after viewing just one page.
Apple sempre più vicina al mondo fintech: sta già sviluppando servizi finanziari propri
Apple ha cominciato a sviluppare i propri servizi finanziari, il che la trasformerebbe di fatto in una nuova fintech.