Asfinag baut, betreibt und erhält rund 2.250 Kilometer an Schnellstraßen. Seit letztem Sommer kommt dabei auch ein Chatbot zum Einsatz.

Asfinag baut, betreibt und erhält rund 2.250 Kilometer an Schnellstraßen. Seit letztem Sommer kommt dabei auch ein Chatbot zum Einsatz.
Legal-Tech Start-up aus Wien nutzt FFG-gefördertes Forschungsprojekt, um „die Rechtsbranche zu revolutionieren.“
The targeted use of generative AI in customer service can take CX to a new level, says Matthias Göhler from Zendesk.
Das in der Schweiz entwickelte Werkzeug soll innerhalb von Minuten Marktanalysen liefern, die bisher monatelange Recherchen erfordert haben.
In contrast to a neutral chatbot, the intensity of aggressive behavior is reduced with a more human chatbot.
There are plenty of test projects with ChatGPT, Gemini and co. However, many companies are finding that AI projects are not as easy to implement as they had hoped.
Erste Daten aus sechs Monaten Betrieb zeigen, wie Künstliche Intelligenz nun auch im Schienenverkehr Einzug hält.
ESET lancia un monito: i dati immessi negli strumenti di IA generativa “smettono di essere nostri nell’istante che premiamo il pulsante invio”.
Il settore retail globale entro il 2028 dovrebbe investire 72 miliardi di dollari in chatbot, sei volte più di questo 2023. ChatGPT e altri modelli di IA saranno i fautori di questa crescita.
Kitchen equipment manufacturer RATIONAL uses ChatGPT's API for call center relief.
In the conversation with Bloomberg, statements such as "useless" and "pathological liar" are to be heard. Google is also said to have released Bard as an experiment despite internal security concerns.
ChatGPT is supposed to support hotels in marketing, says guest author Steve Heinecke from Performance Hotel, but still warns against its use for guest communication.
Snapchat uses a customized version of the GPT technology developed by OpenAI. The company also prohibits replies on certain topics. At launch, the My AI chatbot is limited to Snapchat+.
Umfrage zeigt große Unterschiede zwischen dem, was E-Commerce-Kunden wollen und dem, was speziell mittelständische Anbieter darüber denken.
In the hospitality industry, artificial intelligence with intelligent speech recognition function is used for the first time.