Black Friday, traditionally celebrated on the Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States, has become a global phenomenon. The day is known for its massive discounts and special offers, available both from online retailers and brick ...

Black Friday, traditionally celebrated on the Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States, has become a global phenomenon. The day is known for its massive discounts and special offers, available both from online retailers and brick ...
AI technologies are revolutionising how retailers personalise shopping experiences and optimise customer service, says guest author Gabriel Frasconi from Freshworks.
Cipher, la divisione di sicurezza informatica del Gruppo Prosegur, ha sollevato l’allarme per il consueto aumento dell’attività di criminalità informatica in occasione del Black Friday e del Cyber Monday.
More than one in two Black Friday spam emails involves fraudulent intentions. Spam campaigns with Paypal voucher sweepstakes worth 1000 euros.
Attualmente, 6 utenti di internet su 10 già fanno acquisti su e-commerce.
Luis Corrons, Security Evangelist per Avast, ci illustra qui una serie di consigli di sicurezza per affrontare al meglio l’ondata di offerte online di Black Friday o Natale.
For years, Black Friday has also been one of the top-selling days in online retail in Germany. Originally, the focus was on offers in stores and department stores. Today, online purchases prevail.
Per il prossimo Black Friday si prevede un aumento del 25% della spesa tramite internet, un +18% nel numero di acquisti effettuati e un +9% a livello di ticket medio online.