Insieme alle edizioni Foundation e Advanced arrivano altri miglioramenti, come l’integrazione con Veeam Data Platform.

Insieme alle edizioni Foundation e Advanced arrivano altri miglioramenti, come l’integrazione con Veeam Data Platform.
A new edition of AWS re:Invent kicks off, with building blocks maintaining their relevance despite the push for generative AI.
Outdated data centre infrastructure is preventing the full use of AI applications, says Sven Breuner from VAST.
Swissbit stellt neue e.MMCs und SD-Speicherkarten mit Speichergrößen ab 4 GB vor.
As the ransomware threat intensifies, ransomware protection must react. What do storage and security experts recommend?
The solution could reshuffle the cards in the cloud services market and make Europe a bit more independent.
Apacer führt bleifreie Speichermedien ein, die die Anforderungen der EU-Gefahrstoffrichtlinie übererfüllen sollen.
Users criticize lack of transparency in the introduction of the cap. Drive is the only online storage with such a limit. Google is now considering other steps to optimize Drive.
NetApp launches new AFF C-Series all-fash storage solutions, along with AFF A150 and Advance, a warranty programme.
UFS 4.0 promises speeds of up to 23.2 Gbps per lane, which is double the numbers of UFS 3.1.
QNAP introduces the TS-435XeU shallow rackmount NAS with a quad-core Marvell processor, 2.5GbE/10GbE connectivity, and NVMe M.2 SSD cache.