From more efficient data centres to inventory predictions and improved transport routes, the benefits of this technology are diverse.
Fraunhofer Austria will LKW-Leerfahrten vermeiden
Noch immer fehlt fast jedem zweiten Rücktransport die Ladung. Das Konzept der „Shared Logistics“ soll endlich für Abhilfe sorgen.
MAD4: Cutting-Edge Technology at the Service of the Data Center and Sustainability
We visited the latest datacenter built by Digital Realty, which stands out for its energy efficiency and significant savings on its clients' bills.
Zoom Inaugurates its Experience Center in London
Zoom opens its first Experience Center in Europe, reaffirming its commitment to the European market.
ABB investiert 170 Mio. Dollar in Robotikplattform
Ziel ist es, KI-, Sensor-, Cloud- und Edge-Computing-Systeme so zu integrieren, dass sich autonome Roboteranwendungen entwickeln lassen.
Energieeffizienz-Rechner soll Potenziale zeigen
Neues ABB-Angebot will Unternehmen Klarheit geben, wann sich die Umrüstung der Motoren von Pumpen- und Lüftersystemen lohnt.
Huawei Gears Up for the AI Revolution in Storage
During the Huawei IDI Forum 2024, the manufacturer showcases the potential of its line of storage solutions to respond to the boom in data and the adoption of artificial intelligence.
Digitale Amtsgeschäfte mit grünem Gewissen
Das BRZ, Österreichs größter IT-Dienstleister für die öffentliche Hand, setzt vollständig auf erneuerbare Energien.
POWERBIM, Awarded Best Global Startup by the OVHcloud Startup Program
POWERBIM has achieved global prominence thanks to its technological approach and vision to transform the construction and asset management sector.
Kreislaufwirtschaft: Swico testet Sammelboxen
Sind IT-Nutzer bereit, ausgediente Smartphones und Notebooks für das Recycling zu spenden? Ein Pilotprojekt soll Klarheit schaffen.
Schweizer KI-App für New Yorker Metro
Der Luzerner Softwarespezialist Axon Vibe unterstützt die Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) mit intelligenten KI-Lösungen.
Dynatrace Creates Solution to Reduce Enterprise Carbon Footprint
Dynatrace Carbon Impact offers recommendations and optimisation options for environmentally friendly IT operations.
Swisscom will Auswahl von ESG-Tools erleichtern
Der "Sustainability Software Radar" soll es Schweizer Unternehmen einfacher machen, die passende Software für ihr Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement zu finden.
Survey: Refurbished IT is becoming Socially Acceptable
According to Bitkom, almost one in seven companies already uses refurbished end devices. A further 15 per cent are about to do so.
Measuring the Sustainability of AI
How many resources AI applications require is largely unknown, although a lot of data could have been measured automatically long ago.
Smartphone-App registriert 1,5 Mio. korrekt entsorgte Verpackungen
Um noch mehr Abfälle in die richtigen Verwertungskanäle zu lenken, kommt die österreichische RecycleMich-App mit neuen Funktionen an den Markt.
Majority of Germans Accept e-Prescription
According to the Eco survey, a good half of the population is prepared to use the new service. Only one in five rejects it.
KI-Entwicklungsplattform für freie Forschung gestartet
Das "International Computation and AI Network" will Projekte ermöglichen, die sich an den UN-Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung orientieren.
4 Factors Driving the Data Centre Ecosystem in 202
Sustainability, energy efficiency, automation and artificial intelligence will be the focus of business attention.
The Challenging Balance in the Sustainability of Telecommunications due to the High Demand for Mobile Data
Current commercial strategies in telecoms would not respond to user needs but would be designed to increase both consumption and prices.
IT-Dienstleister Green koppelt RZ-Bau an Klimaschutz
Die Abwärme zweier neuer Rechenzentren wird für Energie-Verbundlösungen genutzt. Der Bau der Wärmezentrale und des Netzes läuft bereits.
Sustainability as a Factor in Business Competitiveness
SAP distinguishes between reactive and proactive companies in addressing environmental issues.
Huawei is committed to a digital and sustainable future at Connect 2023
Huawei unveils its four strategic pillars to drive Europe's green and digital transition at Connect 2023.
Umweltbewusstsein beim Handy-Kauf ausbaufähig
Wie nachhaltig ist mein Smartphone? Laut Deloitte-Studie stellt sich nur knapp ein Viertel der Konsumenten diese Frage, bevor man ein neues Gerät kauft.
Study: Sustainability Tool Should Produce Complete Reports
Heterogeneous data sources, poor data quality and complex regulatory requirements complicate sustainability reporting.
Sustainable Energy Savings of up to 30 % through the Use of Sustainable Technology
The growing emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency has led companies to look for innovative technological solutions to reduce their energy consumption and environmental impact. According to a recent report, the use of efficie ...
Carbon Emissions Concern 1 in 2 CIOs
The majority of these executives draw a connection between ESG factors, sustainability and business value.
Technology, Essential for Business Sustainability
SEIDOR notes that the adoption of new technologies is "key to gaining competitiveness" and overcoming challenges of "economic, social and environmental sustainability".
Bessere Umweltbilanz im Speichermanagement
Apacer führt bleifreie Speichermedien ein, die die Anforderungen der EU-Gefahrstoffrichtlinie übererfüllen sollen.
Study: Implementation Deficit for Sustainability in IT
Although the topic of sustainability is already a high priority in nine out of ten companies, more than half of them are postponing the goal of achieving CO2 neutrality and establishing climate-neutral IT until the next decade.