Nine out of ten German managers expect the use of AI to contribute to their sustainability goals.

Nine out of ten German managers expect the use of AI to contribute to their sustainability goals.
According to the survey, half of users are not affected. A third are able to fend off attacks. Only 6 percent report operational disruptions.
Lünendonk study: concerns about shadow AI and regulations are delaying the introduction of GenKI tools.
According to a recent survey by YouGov and Enreach, data protection and data security are decisive factors when selecting technology providers.
Four out of five farms say that digitalisation enables them to work in a more environmentally friendly way.
However, Deloitte study expresses understanding for customers' reluctance. The benefits of the offers are hardly recognizable in Germany.
According to Bitkom, almost one in seven companies already uses refurbished end devices. A further 15 per cent are about to do so.
According to the latest ifo survey, just one in seven companies in Germany uses forms of artificial intelligence.
On average, German companies grant 6.4 days of work from home per month. However, small businesses are increasingly falling behind.
According to the Ifo Institute survey, 6.9 percent of companies currently use blockchain technology for their business processes or plan to use it.
As the ransomware threat intensifies, ransomware protection must react. What do storage and security experts recommend?
AI tools don't just increase productivity. According to developers, they also improve code quality.
Cisco surveyed 1,200 decision-makers in Germany on hybrid work.
Almost a third (31%) of respondents are in favor of a CO2 label for energy-saving technical devices such as laptops, PCs and smartphones.
Adesso study shows: AI is coming - and there are few concerns.
Cisco Cybersecurity Readiness Index 2023 shows: Germany in midfield worldwide, but top in Europe.
eco IT Security Survey 2023: IT experts see an intensification of the cyber threat situation due to the war in Ukraine.
Die Bedrohungsexperten von Trend Micro warnen davor, dass Cyberkriminelle nun auch in andere illegale Geschäftsmodelle expandieren.
Laut Umfrage haben sich Social Media in der Unternehmenskommunikation etabliert. Dennoch hat ein Drittel der Befragten keine passende Strategie.
Zum Jahreswechsel schaut Deloitte Österreich in die Zukunft der Tech-Branche. Trotz krisenhafter Entwicklungen bleibe der Sektor auch weiterhin in Bewegung, so das Wiener Beratungshaus.
Laut Deloitte-Studie befürchten viele Österreicher, ihre mobilen Devices zu oft zu nutzen. Auch im Hinblick auf die Umwelt. Den nachhaltigen Absichten folgen jedoch eher selten auch Taten.
Top 3 goals for increased investment: Process automation, artificial intelligence and cloud platforms.
Auszahlungsstopps, Kurseinbrüche, Insolvenzen – der Krypto-Markt spart nicht an Negativschlagzeilen. Doch wie steht es in Österreich um die Beliebtheit der Anlageform?
Sensors analyze soil health, AI helps with fertilizing, IoT controls irrigation - 68% of German farmers see digitisation as an opportunity for greater sustainability.
Sophos Ransomware Report in Retail: 77 percent of retailers have been victims of a ransomware attack.
Freedom and a personal working atmosphere are decisive for job changes to smaller companies.
Recruiting, leads or CEO positioning: How do B2B companies in the DACH region use social media for their market and corporate communication? What current trends and developments are emerging? Now in its twelfth year, the only long-term ...