1 year after Twitter acquisition. Advertisers and professional users continue to scale back their activities on X.

1 year after Twitter acquisition. Advertisers and professional users continue to scale back their activities on X.
Tesla has demonstrated impressive manufacturing efficiency under the leadership of Elon Musk and his team, says guest author Thomas Schulz of Lean Partners.
At launch, X.AI issues 100 million shares. The name suggests connection with Musk's plans for universal app called X, which includes Twitter.
At launch, X.AI issues 100 million shares. The name suggests connection with Musk's plans for universal app called X, which includes Twitter.
Starshield nasce dall’accordo tra SpaceX e le Forze Aeree degli Stati Uniti per disporre di connessione internet satellitare nelle basi militare di Europa e Africa.
New owner Elon Musk lets "superfluous" microservices shut down. As a result, SMS-based two-factor authentication no longer works.
Revenue from subscriptions to Twitter should avert insolvency. Otherwise, Musk expects negative cash flow in the range of several billion dollars in the coming year.
Twitter vedrà tagli del 50% al proprio organico e al costo di 8 dollari si potrà verificare il proprio account.
This Friday, all Twitter offices will remain closed. Twitter speaks of a security measure. An internally circulated list speaks of 3788 people affected.
Elon Musk, una volta conclusa l’acquisizione di Twitter, ha tirato fuori la falce e per Halloween ha tagliato le teste di vari manager del social.
I tagli previsti da Musk in visione dell’acquisizione di Twitter riguarderebbero sia l’organico sia l’infrastruttura, tra cui anche i data center.
Under Musk, nearly 75 percent of Twitter employees could lose their jobs. Even without a takeover by Musk, Twitter itself is reportedly planning a significant reduction in personnel costs.
Il Tribunale dello Stato del Delaware ha fissato l’inizio della controversia legale a lunedì 17 ottobre.
The purchase price remains at $54.20 per share. However, Musk demands the immediate termination of all lawsuits against him. The announcement gives the Twitter share price gains of more than 20 percent.
Si tratta dei documenti dell’ex direttore generale di Consumer Product della piattaforma social, Kayvon Beykpour.
La controversia tra Elon Musk e Twitter deve ancora essere dibattuta nelle aule di competenza, ma intanto Twitter porta a casa un primo punto con la decisione della Corte di Equità del Delaware.
The social network believes that "uncertainty related to the pending acquisition" is hurting its financial results.
The lawsuit accuses Musk of actually canceling the acquisition only because of changing market conditions. Twitter also accuses Musk of a long list of "fundamental breaches of contract".
The short message service considers the termination of the takeover agreement to be invalid. Meanwhile, the downward slide of the Twitter share continues.
Musk himself donated thousands of Starlink kits for satellite Internet access to Ukraine.
Confronted with his suspicions that there are more fake accounts than the company acknowledges, he says Twitter is "actively resisting and frustrating his rights to information."
The entrepreneur, who wants to take over all shares of the social network, explains that the algorithm "manipulates" or "inadvertently amplifies" certain views by attempting to guess users' interests.